"You are not the church of tomorrow; you are the church of right now."

--Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton to the students of the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans, Louisiana

Our youth are our present!  Each week students are reminded that they are welcomed as their true authentic self to come and be who God created them to be--themselves.  Students come from practice, work, and school alike for community, to talk faith and life, and to enjoy fellowship.  The Underground Youth Center is a place where students come and connect!  For more information on how your student can get involved in the Youth Ministry of Alleluia! Lutheran Church, email Youth Director Kurtis Arndt at


6th-8th Grade

Confirmation is a middle school (grades 6-8) ministry where students grow in their faith, learn the Christian faith in the Lutheran tradition, and develop community in small groups to prepare them for their own Affirmation of Baptism. The Affirmation of Baptism is the opportunity for students to affirm for themselves the promises that their parents, sponsors, and congregation made for them at their baptism. Each year, 9th grade students are given the opportunity to affirm their faith on Reformation Sunday! 

Confirmation meets in The Underground Youth Center at Alleluia! Lutheran Church on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm during the school year. During large group time, students will dive into the Old Testament & New Testament, discuss our Lutheran tradition, and explore what that means for living like Christ with Youth Ministries Director Kurtis Arndt. Students gather in small groups each Wednesday to connect with peers and small group leaders. Students are also encouraged and invited to participate in fellowship and service opportunities throughout the year! 

We meet on Wednesday evenings.  Please join us!

Contact Youth Director, Kurtis Arndt with questions.

email Director Kurtis Arndt

Register a student for confirmation


9th-12th Grade

AYHigh is our program for grades 9-12. Our weekly meeting is on Tuesday evenings during the school year from 7:00-9:00pm. During this time, high school students engage in a time of fellowship, activities, and learning. We welcome Alleluia! youth, friends, and visitors! Students also are given the opportunity to experience retreats, service opportunities, and a summer trip!

There is no formal registration for high school students to get involved. If you would like to be added to the email list reach out to Kurtis Arndt.

We meet on Tuesday evenings during the school year, 7:00-9:00pm.  Join us! 



ELCA Youth Gathering - July 2024

CREATED TO BE - Brave, Authentic, Free, Disruptive, Disciples

Our 2024 Youth Summer Trip was an amazing experience at the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans, Louisiana titled, 'Created to Be'. Each and every day students got to experience worship with 16,000 High School aged youth from around the United States of America, interact as a church community in the greater world learning about advocacy and mission, and explore the great city of New Orleans through a variety of adventures. 

Each day of the trip focused on a new theme of how God created us to be as humans! We learned, grew, and bonded more with each day and each theme! The stories of this trip are abundant!


Our Youth Ministry is powered by volunteers who share their time and talents with our Youth.  Both our High School Youth Group (Tuesday Nights) and Confirmation (Wednesday Nights) have volunteers that serve in a variety of ways!  If you are interested in learning more about volunteering among our Youth - please contact Youth Ministries Director Kurtis Arndt at karndt@alleluia.lutheran.