There are always great events coming up at Alleluia!
There are always great events coming up at Alleluia!
Please pick up a few extra items when doing your school shopping. So many things are on SALE making it a GREAT time to grab a few items to help kids in need. Drop off donations in the box near the KidsConnect sign-in in the Gathering Area. Thank you! Items must fit inside a shoebox. Please consider: pens, pencils, small sharpeners, crayons, colored pencils, markers, glue sticks, small notebooks, index cards, coloring books, supply boxes/bags, small adhesive tape, child-safe scissors.
Sign-ups for the fall league have begun. Click below for more information or to sign up.
ALLELUIA! MUSIC NIGHT JAMS - 3rd Thursday of the Month
On the 3rd Thursday of each month ages high school-adults are invited to join us in the sanctuary for music, a small devotional, fellowship, and snacks! Talk with the musicians/volunteers to learn more about our music program. Come watch, talk, or bring your instrument and JAM a time permits! Questions to Michele Nelson at Please CLICK HERE to let us know you're coming!
Interested in getting together with others to play a board game! ABGG meets on SELECT nights. Games are hosted in members' homes. Join our Facebook page below to receive Evites of upcoming meeting dates, or email David or John.
SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, September 28, 10:00am-4:00pm.
$3 entry fee, kids 12 & under are free.
Please come shop and help us spread the word by inviting your friends and neighbors!
Lunch will be available and be sure to stop by the bake sale table. Contact Jenn Vrba at with any questions.
Children's Ministry will host a bake sale at the Alleluia! Craft & Vendor Fair on Saturday, September 28, 10:00am-4:00pm. We're looking for bakers who can help make our sale a success. Funds will be used to upgrade and maintain the KidsConnect Check-in Station in the Gathering Area. Click the link below to see all information. Thank you for your help!
DIVORCECare - Tuesdays, Sept. 24, 2024 - Jan. 14, 2025
This 13-week Christian based support group offers a safe place to find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. With a new topic each week, the videos and discussions help participants process the emotional turmoil associated with divorce. Contact Wendy Daly at for more information.
PARADE FUN - MARCH WITH ALLELUIA! - Saturday, Sept. 28th
Reserve your spot to march with others from Alleluia! in Plainfield's Homecoming Parade! The parade theme is America the Beautiful. All are welcome but spots are limited. Alleluia! and Little Blessings are each allowed 25 participants. If you can't march, come and cheer! If you can't come, support us with a donation of bottled water or peanut-free candy listed on the ASK Board. Contact Ms. Michele at with questions. CLICK HERE to reserve your spot
BIBLE PRESENTATION - Sunday, Oct. 6th, both services
Any child in 3rd grade or above is invited to receive a Bible during either worship service. After the presentation all recipients can join KidsConnect leaders to engage in games while exploring their Bibles. We encourage all children 3rd grade and above to bring their Bibles to KidsConnect weekly.
ARBORETUM NATURE WALK - Sunday, Oct. 6th, 11:45am-3:00pm
Adults are invited to a leisurely paced nature walk at the Morton Arboretum led by John Garrison, Alleluia! member and Arboretum Lead Education Guide. There is an admittance fee per car. We will carpool to reduce the cost per person following an OPTIONAL box lunch in the Alleluia! CLC. Cost of each lunch is $10.
WOMEN'S EVENT: Laugh Your Socks Off! - Thursday, Oct 10, 7-8:30pm
Laughter is good for the body and soul!
Come for a fun evening of laughter, games, snacks, and sharing in the Word with the women of Alleluia! Please bring 2 pair of socks - one for donation to our mission and one wrapped pair you'll use to play a game! We'll meet in The Underground.
NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION - Sunday, Oct. 13th, 11:30am-1:30pm
CREATED BY GOD: Bridge into Adolescence - January 2025
CBG is a Christian-based sexuality course designed for 5th/6th grade students. This course teaches about human anatomy, respect for other males and females regarding body changes they will experience, and that it's all good as God intended. How to have healthy relationships with others is an added feature of this course. Parents attend an orientation in November. Students attend January classes.
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